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Simon Crofts & Niall McDiarmid

Simon Crofts and Niall McDiarmid will be giving a free talk next month about 'Photographers and their Odysseys' at the City Arts Centre in Edinburgh, Sat 11th June at 2pm. Please do come along - booking is essential but tickets are free - follow this link to reserve a place: Edinburgh Museums

"Simon’s project draws echoes from literature, symbolism and history in landscape, and the intensity of encounters with friends and strangers. They will each talk about the motivation behind their work and the ups and downs of completing the projects".

(c) Simon Crofts - from "Expectations"

More of Simon's work can be viewed on his website

And his book published by Kehrer Verlag "Expectations" can be viewed and ordered here.

"Niall’s work looks at the sense of self-identity and cultural mix of people he has met across Britain. His large body of work has taken him all the way from Inverness to Exeter, with over 100 towns in between".

(c) Niall McDiarmid - from "Via Vauxhall"

To view more of Niall's work have a look at his website.

Niall has published two books "Via Vauxhall" and "Crossing Paths" both can be viewed and purchased here.

Edinburgh College Photography Department - Sighthill Campus - Bankhead Avenue - Edinburgh

Photography College Courses Scotland

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