Moscow International Foto Awards 2020 - Sofia Conti
Good news, BA Professional Photography Student Sofia Conti has just been awarded a number of accolades by The Moscow International Foto Awards (MIFA)
The MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL FOTO AWARDS’ mission is to recognise, reward and expose talented photographers from around the world. Moscow International Foto Awards winners receive significant, international publicity and exposure.
“As a mature student I began studying photography three years ago and now I am about to qualify for my BA Professional Photography. The last few years I have been developing my Documentary, Photojournalism and Portraiture photography work. I am delighted to win two Bronze Awards and have several Honourable Mentions from the judges at the MIFA”. Sofia Conti.
During her studies, Sofia has worked with many charities and voluntary organisations. Her subject matter and stories covered the work of Street Pastors, Abattoir workers and many voluntary organisations who provide assistance and care to members of society with addiction, isolation and sight and hearing impairment.
Her images were awarded:
Bronze Award Winner in People Portrait with 'The Survivor’
Bronze Award Winner in Editorial Political with 'Silenced’
Honourable Mention in People Portrait with 'Sightless’
Honourable Mention in Editorial Political with ‘Beautifully Hung’
Honourable Mention in Editorial General News with ‘Isolated’

(c) Sofia Cont, "The Survivor"

(c) Sofia Conti, "Silenced"

(c) Sofia Conti, "Sightless"

(c) Sofia Conti. "Beautifully Hung"

(c) Sofia Conti, "Isolation"