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Women In Journalism - Vikki McCraw

Photojournalist Vikki McCraw will be be speaking about lone working and showing her work at National Union of Journalists 'Women In Journalism' event on the 21st of November.

Vikki graduated from Edinburgh College over a year ago and immediately set off to Lesvos to cover the Migrant Crisis. She returned many times during the year funding her own trips to cover the crisis. During her time there she was mentored by none other than James Nachtway who she bumped in to soon after arriving.

I met up with Vikki in London in March and listened to her account of the crisis and had a sneak peak at a rough edit. She was passionate about the work, which comes across in the images below.

Here are some examples of her work and the stories that surround them. All images and text by Vikki McCraw

More of Vikki's work can be viewed on her website or you can follow more of the stories on her Facebook page.

An Afghani family arrive on Lesvos shore.

Refugees wait to cross the border with Macedonia at Idomeni Transit Camp, Greece.

Refugees wait to cross the Macedonian border. Idomeni Transit Camp, Greece.

UK medic volunteers Dr Maniza Malook and Paramedic John Caron rush a 21 day old baby through the camp to 'fast track' to secure sheltered accommodation. Moria Transit Camp, Lesvos.

Dr Maniza Malook carries out a pregnancy test by torchlight at the Health Point Project Lesvos clinic. Moria Transit Camp, Lesvos.

Afternoon clinic at Health Point Project Lesvos. This child has scabies. Her pulse is checked by UK volunteer nurse Amy Wright and paramedic John Caron, and prescribed cream. However, the treatment of scabies is to wash every 12 hours, and there are no showers or running water on the perimeter of the camp, where hundreds of people sleep rough for around 2 weeks while they wait for registration. There is not even a toilet. Moria Transit Camp, Lesvos.

In the distance across the fields, one of the watchtowers of the 10km wire fence constructed by Greece in 2012 to stop the flow of refugees crossing from Turkey at the shortest, safest point. The refugees instead turned to the Aegean islands where 4,000 people have lost their lives at sea to date. Edirne, Turkey

Edinburgh College Photography Department - Sighthill Campus - Bankhead Avenue - Edinburgh

Photography College Courses Scotland

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