Royal Television Society Awards - Ania Polewiak
Transferable skills are talked about a lot in education but there is no better example of this than Ania Polewiak. Ania graduated with a BA Professional Photography degree in 2014 from Edinburgh College and went on to study film making at The Arts University Bournemouth.
The Royal Television Society has just awarded the film 'Bleach' winner for Best Student Drama 2017. Ania co-produced the film with a team from AUB, well done to all.
The film premiered at London's BFI and Brighton Arts Exhibition in 2016, won Best Film at FORRAINBOW Film Festival and official selection at CINECITY Brighton Film Festival 2016.
Bleach [Trailer] can be viewed on Vimeo
Starring: Elijah Harris, Kru Lundy, Jack Willis and Danny Devall Written & Directed by: Jesse Lewis-Reece Produced by: Ike Newman & Ania Polewiak DOP: Jacob Gerrard Production Design by: Jonathan Salaryia Edited by: Jordan Elson Location Sound by: Delcan Galpin & Fabio Feliciano Make Up by: Dixie George Costume Design by: Vicky Turner Casting by: Sue Odell Original Score: Oliver 'ORCA' Mapp Grade: Toby Tomkins @ CHEAT Exec producer: Alice Hague An Arts University Bournemouth Production