BIPP Two Day Workshop
The Edinburgh College Photography Dept. were pleased to host the BIPP for a two day event of lectures and workshops.
Professional photographers Chris Harper (Chief Executive of the BIPP), Bryn Griffiths and Marco Joe Fazio gave lectures on a broad spectrum of photography including portraiture, advertising and fashion and lifestyle work. The lectures included audio visual presentations of their work as well as the logistics of pitching and planning commissions.
They were all very generous with their time and traveled up from London especially for this event. the schedule can be viewed here.
Chris Harper presented his work on the niche market of male body builders. Bryn spoke about his commissioned work as well as his personal project on Chernobyl, developed when he became a Hasselblad Master.

Photography students from HND1, HND2 and BA packed out Studio 19 for the lectures.
Marco Joe Fazio made three presentations focusing on concept development, research, logistical planning and the behind the scenes footage of a personal project. The importance of developing personal work along side commissions was a well covered topic by all photographers.
More on Marco's visit can be viewed on his Blog along with one of the AV presentations.

Marco Joe Fazio presents his research and concept for 'those 7 deadly things'
On day two Bryn hosted a photography workshop demonstrating lighting and product photography. He spoke about the importance of learning tethered software and the benefits to clients.

On the final afternoon the BA Professional Photography Group had been working on planning the logistics for a Mazda car brief. Each groups had to pitch how they would approach three large budget commissions, including locations, studio hire, legal and risk, props and hire and of course cost. To the relief of the lectures they did a thorough and meticulous job.
Overall a busy couple of days which provided great industry insight and engagement.